Butternut Ridge Cemetery

Butternut Ridge Cemetery
Butternut Ridge Cemetery First Burial 1821

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

J. P. Spencer Golden Wedding Anniversary

John Place Spencer was the son of Jonathan and Molly Jones Spencer married Electa (Ellen) Miriam Beach the daughter of Juno and Hannah Ingraham Beach.
This is the story of J. P and Ellen Spencer’s 50th wedding anniversary that was published in the Berea Grindstone Advertiser. There were two separate articles in the paper:

An Anniversary Gathering that
will long be remembered

Monday afternoon there were gathered a company of relatives and near friends to celebrate the completion of half a century of wedded life Mr. and Mrs. John P Spencer, at their residence in Rockport.  Fifty years ago that very day John P Spencer claimed as his bride Ellen Beach, and snugly tucked her in the “jumper” bore her to his home, which as the years rolled on expanded to make room for those who came to enlarge their household.  Following the bride and groom was an ox team and sled, bearing the household goods if this new establishment. At the setting of the sun they took possession of their new home, and now that fifty years have come and gone, in the light of another sunset the groom relates the story of his wedding day. All of the six children, whose homes surround the parental one, were present with eleven grandchildren.  Two long tables, twice filled , supplied  the delicacies and substantials of life, and received due attention from all. Then all gathered round the bride and groom, seated before the old fireplace, and heard the events of a half of a century ago by those whose pleasure it was to remember them. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Spencer sang in the sweetest tones to their father and mother “Toddlin Doon the Brae,” after which Mr. Donaldson read a congratulatory address prepared by P*. Beach, a brother of Mrs. Spencer’s.  After referring to their long and happy companionship, Mr. Beach wrote, “Now they are nearly alone in the world they have blessed; gone are the playmates who spent with them life’s morning hours; gone the youthful companions whose happy presence sent the warm blood to their cheeks.  The home nest is still preserved from when whence the children have flown, and they are all settled around them. Nearly all there generation has departed, and they are left like an oak in the field where all the forest has been cleared away.  In the gathering twilight of age the sweet faith of childhood returns; the doubts and fears of adult life are forgotten, and the artlessness of life’s dawn returns to bless the declining years.  The outward ear has grown heavy, but an inward sense hears the tread of an angels’ feet along the land which borders life’s darkness.”

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer again sang this time the selection was entitled; “When We are Old and Gray.”

Mr. Laurel Beebe made a few happy remarks; Mrs. J. B Cahoon, in the behalf of her husband, whose infirm condition would not permit his sharing the joyful occasion with his friends, congratulated the host and hostess, saying she had a few months since celebrated her golden anniversary, and well knew the feelings of those who observe this day with festivities. Mrs. William Hurd, in a very beautiful and touching manner referred to the evening of life, “At Eventide it shall be Light,” and all who had felt the influence of the lives of these friends, realized the richness of the afterglow which surrounds them, made golden and bright by their usefulness, generosity and friendliness.
The same voices sand “Gently Down the Stream of Time” after which a granddaughter, Miss. Mabel Potts, repeated and original poem written for the occasion.”

The happy old couple were the recipients of many valuable presents.

* Philo Beach

This came from a Scrap book made by Edith Knoblock, daughter of Edith Beach, that is in the Frostville Museum Archives

This is an exact copy of the prose that was used in 1882. There is another article that contains a list of the guests and their gifts in this scrapbook. 

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