Butternut Ridge Cemetery

Butternut Ridge Cemetery
Butternut Ridge Cemetery First Burial 1821

Thursday, August 27, 2015

A warm and fuzzy feeling

This is not the reason I do what I do, but it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling when I get an email like this:
This is a post I posted on three different Find A Grave Facebook pages, I wanted to send this to you and personally thank you Gary Porter if it wasn't for you and your knowledge of the cemetery this might not have ever happened for me, I received my Deed for the grave today which will allow me to buried with the Todd family, Thank You Again Gary.
The Daley Family - is there a graph of their graves or a layout of their graves you might have for them - 4 family members Louise, Hezekiah and 2 children.
This is the post:
I have been doing this for a short time. I find it to be a wonderful way to learn not just my family but all the history behind it, 
nothing different than anyone else right, but I learned this that I thought I would pass along to you, learning of my great grandparents and the time they lived in the family after someone passed-away they would buy a burial plot large enough for the whole family, you just never knew who or when someone would pass,
but not everyone was buried there because one would get married and move on to other places, my point being is most plots were for a family of let's say 6, and lets say 5 were buried there leaving 1 empty grave, 
it just so happen my mother had the original deed of the plot of 6 graves, my mother already had a plot for her and my father in another cemetery so I had my mother claim the empty grave for me seeing she was the last of the family line before it falls on me and my siblings, but it's my mom who had to claim it because of course she is still alive, 
So me and my mom hand delivered a certified letter and any info of the family line to the city in which the grave was located asking for it to be claimed/transferred to me, 
Yes it's nice it was free and a families right to have, but more to me, comforting knowing I'll be buried with my 2x Great Grandparents and 2x great Uncle and Aunts in a historical cemetery is so cool, 
I'm sure others out there have the same situation, claim those empty graves and be interned there, be with the family and show the connection you have with them, 
 The deed is not necessary as long as you prove who you are, it's you as a family has that right I just wasn't sure if anyone else thought of or has done this, I hope I helped in any way to enlighten someone to look into their family to help claim any empty graves they might have.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Trials of a Pioneer

Some of the most interesting stories are found in unusual places. Like the August 3, 1882 Berea Advertiser Obituary of John Adams Jr.  John Jr. was a son of John and Cynthia Fitch Adams.  His parents were the subject of an earlier blog post as Cynthia was a direct descendant of Gov. William Bradford of the Plymouth Colonies.
 Here is the obituary:           
        OBITUARY. In the death of Mr. John ADAMS which occurred on the 15th of June, at West View, another of that little band of pioneers that settled northern Ohio has passed away. Another one of the Adams brothers is gone, only one of that family of seven --- who so narrowly escaped from the waters of Lake Erie in 1810 --- Ransom Adams of Olmsted Falls, now remains to tell of that terrible ordeal; and of the hardships and privations of pioneer life of that family.

       John ADAMS was born in Waterbury, Conn., Aug 19, 1799, and in 1810 his father John ADAMS Sen., emigrated with his family to northern Ohio.  When leaving Waterbury his family consisted of his wife and six children, five sons and one daughter, his oldest son Benoni, having preceded him, and one daughter Sally, remained in Ct. A young man by the name of Marshall BRONSON also accompanied them.  But in the disaster at lake Erie his daughter Hannah was drowned , an account of which was published in the Advertiser in April of 1877.   

       After a Long and tedious journey of about eight weeks, filled with painful events, they reached Euclid sometime in Dec., where they remained until spring, when they removed to Columbia and settled on a farm near the south part of the township, then owned by Benoni.  Here, in addition in addition to the many privations incident to a life in almost trackless forest, after the commencement of the war of 1812, they suffered much through fear of Indian assassins, whose treacherous designs were culminated by the influence of foreign foe, and whose hostility the defenseless pioneer was constantly in dread of.  One incident as related by Mr. ADAMS of his own experience, may not be out of place here.  One night when in his wakefulness from the excitement of the times, he was startled by the barking of a dog, and instead of savage whoop that he momentarily expected to hear, the sound of a well known neighbor's voice rang out through the forest in unmistakable accents --- turn out! turn out! the British and Indians are upon us.  The whole family at once rallied and the work of decision as to their course was quickly accomplished.  Which as to get together as soon as possible, the few families of the neighborhood, and go to  some more thickly settled place.  The journey was to be made with oxen, as this was the only team they had, and those were away in the woods, and where they knew not.  But there was no time to be lost and as quickly as possible in darkness of the hour, for it was long after midnight, they scoured the woods and found the oxen, and hastily gathered together such necessaries as they could carry, and after concealing the remainder of their household effects, they formed a band and started for Hudson. But their progress was slow as the sun had advanced by some hours ere they started, they had gone but a few miles when, night over took them and arrangements were made for encampment.  But the following day brought news of the cause of the alarm, which was only the landing of the prisoners at Cleveland at the time of Hull's surrender.  The fugitives then returned to their homes with the exception of one or two families who proceeded to Hudson for safety.   

        Mr. ADAMS was raised a farmer and always followed that vocation, often working from the rising of the sun till the setting of same, and sometimes later. He was well acquainted with the hardships and privations in the life of the early settlers of the Western Reserve, and which the boys and girls of to-day are strangers to. He experienced religion when about twenty years of age, soon after united with the M. E. church remaining with them until 1844 when he withdrew and joined the Wesleyan Methodist church, with which connection he remained until his death.

       He married on the 8th of March, 1820 to Miss Maria HOADLEY of Olmsted, a daughter of Maj. Lemuel HOADLEY, who was also one of the first settlers of Columbia and came from Plymouth, Ct., in 1807.    

       Mr. and Mrs. ADAMS had eight children and with the exception of one that died in infancy all are now living, six daughters and one son. They celebrated their golden wedding in 1870, and at the time of his death they had lived together for over 62 years. Of his virtues and good qualities it becomes us not to speak, nor is it necessary; no eulogy is more befitting than the memories left in the hearts of his friends and those who knew him best, and yet it is but justice to give credit where it is due in the mention of a few characteristics.  In his habits he was steady and industrious, his manners quiet and retiring, and yet against that which he looked as wrong he was wont to speak in earnest terms,  He was anti-slavery in the fullest sense and with him the use of tobacco and intoxicating drinks found no favor.  He was greatly attached to his home not caring to seek society or recreation, and with the exception of attending church and the prayer meetings, or when he could be persuaded to go out for a visit occasionally, spent his evenings and leisure hours by his own fireside. His home after marriage (with exception of about 4 years), was in Olmsted, in which township he has been the owner of four different farms, and on one of which the last of forty years of his life was spent. Near the spot where he first settled after marriage, and on a part of the first farm he ever owned, is built the silent city --- that city of marble and granite, of flowers and shrubbery; whose turf has been so often watered with tears of sorrow, and where rest the remains of the  sacred dead.  Here is where rest the remains of his father and mother and two brothers, their wives and children; where an infant daughter and five grandchildren sleep their last sleep, and where now, he too, has been laid in his last resting place, and where after so many months of suffering he sleeps peacefully and rest is undisturbed.


In 1836 John sold his first farm (30 acres) to Charles Olmsted, for 600 dollars, who in turn sold the south east 1/2 acre to the Olmsted trustees for 1 dollar to be only used as a cemetery. This became part 1 of the 5 parts that make up Butternut Ridge Cemetery.  
John and Maria are buried in Lot 194



The Thompson house moving to Frostville


Sandi's project would like to thank all those involved in saving the Thompson house Specially the North Olmsted School Board, MetroParks, Anonymous donors, and members of Olmsted Historical Society. It will benefit Frostville and the history of North Olmsted very much. Now the real work begins.

Here is part of the family story:

The obituary of Daniel Thompson the youngest son of Jonathan and Priscilla Sears Thompson tells a lot of both.  Daniel was born on the 13 of December in Dover, Windham, VT.
Here is a transcript of the obituary from the Berea Advertiser of May 12 1881. 

DANIEL THOMPSON. The last but two of the Old Pioneers of Butternut Ridge, and the last of his father’s family, who died on the 16 of March 1881 was born in Dover, VT, Nov 13, 1808.  Was married in VT, and came to Olmsted 1n 1828, in company with John CARPENTER and family, his father’s family having been on the ridge two or three years before. About 1829 he settled on the farm where he died and where he had resided 51 years, being 72 years, 4 months and 3 days old when he died.  He was the youngest of nine children, having five sisters and 3 brothers.  In early times, when in the vigor of manhood, he was active and influential in the aid of schools, religion and whaever he believed to be good, either for the physical, intellectual or moral well-being of his fellowmen.

Mr. THOMPSON was one of the original incorporators of the Olmsted Library an institution of considerable in its time, but which lately fallen into neglect and decay. He was quiet, peaceable and unobtrusive in his manners; sociable, friendly, and obliging in his intercourse with fellows; and, though decided and outspoken in his opinions and occasion for offense.  And though very careful and even close in deal, yet no man was readier, to do a neighbor a good turn, and in cases of sickness or want, no man’s sympathies were more ready, and no man’s hand opened  wider.   He had eight children, five of them now living.  One son died in the army, and two children died when quite young.  His first wife, the mother of his children, was subject to fits for many years, causing him a great deal of trouble and expense.  Mr. THOMPSON was not rich, but he helped his children some, and leaves his widow in comfortable circumstances.

Of his sisters, the eldest married John CARPENTER, and was the mother of Wm. CARPENTER Esq. of Olmsted Falls, who was Justice of the Pease for several successive terms, and a leading businessman of the Tp,, of Jonathan, Richard, Charles, and George, of Butternut Ridge, (the two latter having been Justice of the Peace) and others. The second sister, Hannah, married a Mr. HOWE, and was the first wife of Wm W MEAD, Esq., of Olmsted, Edward F, HOWE, Esq., of mount Sterling Wis., familiarly called “Frank HOWE” and others.

The third, Priscilla, married Vespasian STEARNS, and was the mother of wives of Newell NELSON and Jas. W. FITCH of Olmsted, and the wife of D. W. Briggs, of Wis., and six others sons and daughters, all living, and all very nice people.  Betsey died in the east

The fifth Aurilla married Elliott STEARNS, brother of Vespasian, and was the mother of the wife of Rev. J. F. RICE, of Butternut Ridge, or Gardner STEARNS., water inspector of Cleveland, Edmund STEARNS Esq., of Olmsted, Mrs. Rev Nelson SAXTON, and others.  

His brother Jonathan died when a young man; another died when young. His brother, Alden, settled on the Ridge as early as 1826, and owned the farm where Mrs. WAGNER, now lives, where he resided for nearly forty years.

The remarkable good fortune of this truly happy family, was that all the living members on it, but one, were settled around and in plain sight of the old couple.  Jonathan THOMPSON and Priscilla his wife, father and mother of Daniel were in comfortable circumstance; all respectable, honorable, nice people; and all are very agreeable and friendly with each other, and indeed with everybody else. The old man Jonathan THOMPSON, had a farm of 150 acres on the south side of the Ridge road, his house standing a little back, and southeast of where Mrs. P. M. HENRY’S house now stands.

His son–in-law, Elliott STEARNS, owned a farm of 100 acres on the north side of the road, in front of the Thompson’s.  His house stood near the road and nearly in front of J. F. RICE’S house.   This farm has been badly cut up. Reuben RICE, Lawrence BRAMLEY, and H. RICHARDSON each own a portion of it. Harrison’s mill is on it, and a parcel of 11 Acres was sold to Newell NELSON.
Vespasian STEARNS lived where Edmond STEARNS now lives, built the house and barn there, with several other out buildings which have been moved away.  He owned a farm of 150 acres and over, joining Elliott’s on the west, north of the road, and THOMPSON’S south of the road; the same now owned by Charles CARPENTER, Edmond  STEARNS, and W. T. WILLIAMS.  “Uncle Paish” as he was familiarly known, was a leading man of the times and place, was Justice of the Peace, County Commissioner ,&c, was named as a candidate for the Legislature, but for some reason refused to go into the convention, he might have had the place by putting himself forward, but that he never did.  He was jolly, sociable, friendly, his latch-string always out, and a good dinner and hearty welcome always waiting the hungry at his house. Indeed hospitality was general in this community.
John CARPENTER had a farm of 151 acres, next west of Vespasian, where his house, a substantial two story building, now stands on the old place, at present owned and occupied by his sons, Richard and George, who have each a handsome new residence.  But the old house, which is yet quite good, stands there as a reminder of old times, and occupied by a tenant.  John CARPENTER was a prominent man, though different from M. STEARNS, and known far and wide in northern Ohio.  This house wasone of the homes, which many a weary traveler looked forward to with feelings akin to those of the struggling Christian striving to gain Heaven; especially preachers and brethren of the Baptist persuasion, but none were turned empty away.  Hospitality was the law, and there was no prescription in this happy little community though there was wide difference in opinions. Daniel THOMPSON’S farm joined his fathers on the east, and Alden’s already mentioned, next east of Daniel’s.  Alden owned 100 acres and Daniel not quite so much.
The THOMPSON’S were all Baptists, I believe, and the two STEARNS’S Universalists, their wives Baptists. Old Father Dimnick, an old Baptist preacher, a fine old man, was a frequent visitor in the place.  I have heard him preach frequently, and heard him on his birthday when 90 years of age.  He preached frequently after that, and lived to be a little over 93, I believe.  Here, thus surrounded by their children and children’s children, all prosperous, respected, and happy, lived this good old pair, to a ripe old age, blessing and being blessed, and passing away loved and esteemed by all, with a bright anticipation of a bright hereafter. And “Grandma THOMPSON,” the queen of this happy little realm was known and loved and esteemed for her many deeds of goodness by all the country round.    E. MERRIAM     
Edward Merriam wrote and published a book of some essays on life in the 1890’s
This article came from a compilation Birth Marriages Deaths by the Southwest chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society it is available to use for research at the research section of Fairview Library 
Father Dimnick should have been Dimock