Butternut Ridge Cemetery

Butternut Ridge Cemetery
Butternut Ridge Cemetery First Burial 1821

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Websters in Olmsted

The Webster Family


We were taking pictures at Butternut Ridge Cemetery and met a young man visiting his father’s grave.  He said there were a lot of his relatives buried in Butternut. The name wasn’t familiar as far as I have researched the early families. I checked the records for the cemetery and found there were 12 names in the records. Plus there are 2 that are of the Myers family. The first to arrive was Sheldon he raised three children that stayed in Olmsted.  Rodney Comfort, Mary Ann Webster (Hyde) and David (or Davis) Davis was a Veteran of the Civil War. There are 83 Veterans of the Civil War buried in Butternut Ridge Cemetery.

One of the first things we learned about doing genealogy is to see if you can find someone else researching the same family.  I checked the internet to see if any Digital books about the Webster family exists. I found a book History and genealogy of the Gov. John Webster Family by William Holcomb Webster and finished by Rev Melville Reuben Webster D. D. in 1915.  Before we downloaded it we checked to see who Gov. Webster was. In 1656 Mr. Webster was elected Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. If our Webster’s are related it would be neat as this would make the fifth family that has a connection to a leader of the colonies. We decided to see what we could find since our research into the family we had found a couple of references to this book. It was 1700 pages. It took a while even with a Nighthawk R7000. It was worth the time Sheldon Webster is a direct descendent we have a lot of data to be verified and added to the tree.
All data that goes into the tree will meet Genealogical Proof Standards (GPS).

While we were in there we decided to see if Rebecca Webster Fitch Walker was a relative to the Governor.   We decided to do the search on Thaddeus figuring it was not as common as Rebecca. I found them in there, as part of the Seventh Generation, Rebecca's father was a Captain in the army and was killed in an ambush in the French and Indian War.
Sheldon Webster is also part of the Seventh Generation.  The common Fifth Generation relative is Deacon Jonathan Webster.  Rebecca lineage is from his son Jonathan and Sheldon lineage is from his son Benjamin 

I have heard from other genealogical researchers we are all one big family.